About Us » Mission & Vision Statement

Mission & Vision Statement

Midkiff Elementary ensures a quality education for our students by providing the necessary
knowledge and skills to become lifelong learners and productive citizens.

Vision Statement
Midkiff Elementary will prepare, model and inspire all students to be equipped to excel in the college and career of their choice, dominate 21st century skills in leadership, knowledge, language, and technology to compete in a global economy and serve as successful citizens in their community.
Collective Commitments
At Midkiff Elementary, we believe that we have the duty to foster opportunities for each student
to build a legacy of success. We, therefore, collectively commit to:
● Provide student-centered instruction and inspire innovation
● Take ownership of a collaborative, educational partnership through student, parent, and
community engagement
● Understand, accept and embrace cultural diversity and celebrate student uniqueness
● Participate in continuous professional development

Success for every student.

Preparing Students For College, Careers, & Life.