Library » Links


(Search for library books that are AR quizzes).

Login and review your students' Accelerated Reader progress. Contact your campus librarian for your login credentials.

To log in to Renaissance Home Connect

(Search the library book collection for resources).
(BrainPop for PreK - 3rd grade.This is a subscription site. Contact your campus librarian for passcode).
(This is a subscription site. Contact your campus librarian for passcode).
Access current and authoritative video content at this site.
(Click on the TexQuest Resource Matrix link to find detailed information about each database included in The Gale Group-scroll down and choose Elementary). 
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Access over 20,000 ebooks, audiobooks, magazines, comic books and digital magazines for FREE!. Click on REGISTER in the upper-right hand corner of this link to create a personal digital library account. Note: This site will return checked out materials after 14 days!

Click on RESOURCES to register for an digital library card.
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