Technology: Pre-Kindergarten Expectations

1. Describes types of materials and how they’re used. 
a) Discusses or describes characteristics of materials in the environment. 
b) Explains some uses for materials, e.g., wood, fur, plastic.
c) Creates structures with various materials to determine which do/don’t work to achieve the desired purpose, (e.g., glue, tape; paper, cardboard, foam, plastic, wood; straws, spools).
 2. Explores and uses various types of tools appropriately
a) Identifies the functions of certain tools (e.g., cell phone, pulley, hammer, hearing aid, and microwave). 
b) Follows simple directions for appropriate use of tools and demonstrates how they are used (e.g., computer, hammer, digital media or simple machine). 
c) Describes and uses a variety of tools independently or with assistance (e.g., scissors, nut and bolt, incline plane, or lever). 
d) Uses common tools to create simple objects or structures. 
e) Invents and/or constructs simple objects or structures using common tools and materials in a safe manner (e.g., wood, glue, rulers, sandpaper, hammer, etc.). 
3. Expresses an understanding of how technology affects them in daily life, and how it can be used to solve problems. 
a) Identifies examples of technology used in daily life (e.g., telephone, computers, car). 
b) Describes how technology can make finding information, completing tasks and solving problems faster and easier. 
c) Identifies examples of how technology affects the environment, including home and school environments.
4. Understands the operation of technology systems. 
a) Uses input and output devices to successfully operate technology systems (e.g., keyboard, monitor, printer, vending machine). 
b) Begins using appropriate vocabulary when describing the nature and operation of a technological system (e.g., pedal power moves a bicycle, gas moves a car, batteries operate a toy). 
c) Gives examples of how technological systems are used (e.g., internet, cameras, cell phones). 
5. Uses the knowledge of technology to increase learning. 
a) Uses computer to write, draw and explore concepts. 
b) Learns basic skills by using age appropriate computer programs. 
c) Uses technology tools independently (e.g., instructional media games, digital cameras).